Sepanjco Stand Design

The first specialized exhibition of the exhibition industry in 2017
Opened. In this exhibition, Sepanj sazeh designed and built its booth using the best materials and booth construction techniques, and displayed its services in this exhibition.

Two-story pavilion with separate spaces. Using up-to-date multimedia and materials, chats, and graphics. All this was a demonstration of our services to our dear customers.


  •      1030x1030
  • Aboniro
  • Africa
  • Apadana
  • Arta
  • Aryacell
  • Ava Zaman
  • Biocrete
  • Boutane
  • Cacame
  • Casio
  • Chini Pardis
  • Cielo
  • Dohler
  • Dorna
  • Ebrahim
  • Fire
  • Germany
  • Ghods
  • Huawei
  • Hunter
  • Imec
  • Incc Logo LimooGraphic 1
  • Iranmall
  • Isomee
  • Itally
  • Jondi Shapor
  • Kowsar
  • Lewa
  • Mapna
  • Mci
  • Mino
  • Mirab
  • Nami
  • Nirvana
  • Parskhazar
  • Pejhan
  • Petro Iran
  • Petropars
  • Pooyandegan
  • Rasa
  • Renault
  • Roshen
  • Shahrdari
  • Siemens
  • Statoil
  • Tac
  • Taracell
  • Total
  • Touchline
  • Vezarat Naft
  • Vittoria
  • Zirozaman