green stand design
What do you know about green booth construction?
Green booth construction means the least waste of materials in the construction of the booth, which fortunately has recently been given a lot of importance in the construction of exhibition booths. Therefore, Sepanj Sazeh Company has built its booth this year based on green booth construction.
The use of the modular system, which at the same time preserves its beauty, as well as the use of the false floor that is the construction of this complex, are some of the steps that we have taken in the construction of our booth.
This floor, which has the ability to run many times,
Ability to the capacity of Weight-bearing 500 kg per square meter,
Ability to the depot a large floor area in a limited space,
Ability to supply electricity to all parts of the booth, so there is no need for cabling on the walls,
Combined with light and glass for special lighting in the booth,
Due to the beautiful appearance of this floor, there is no need to cover it,
Ability to run at three heights,
Due to its smooth surface, it makes carpentry operations much easier.
Finally, it facilitates the practice of painting and painting.